In today’s article, we’re discussing Corvus Constellation facts to help you identify, locate, and understand it.
Corvus Constellation Facts, Myth, Location and Stars
What is the Corvus Constellation?
The Corvus Constellation is located in the southern sky. It was first catalogued by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. The constellation is made up of four stars that form a rectangular shape. It is bordered by Crater to the south and west, Hydra to the north, and Virgo to the east.
How big is the Corvus Constellation?
The Corvus constellation occupies an area of 180 square degrees.
What are the brightest stars in Corvus Constellation?
The brightest star in Corvus Constellation is Gienah (Gamma Corvi). It is a blue-white giant star that is about 2.6 times the size of our sun. It is located about 200 light years from Earth.
What are the stars of Corvus Constellation?
The stars of Corvus Constellation include Gienah (Gamma Corvi), Algorab (Delta Corvi), Alchiba (Epsilon Corvi), and Minkar (Zeta Corvi).
What is the asterism called Spica’s Spanker (aka the Sail)?
Spica’s Spanker is an asterism that is located in Corvus Constellation. It is made up of the stars Gienah (Gamma Corvi), Algorab (Delta Corvi), and Alchiba (Epsilon Corvi).
What is the myth associated with Corvus Constellation?
The myth associated with Corvus Constellation is the story of Apollo and Coronis. Apollo was the sun god and Coronis was a mortal woman whom he loved. However, she was unfaithful to him and was killed as a result. Apollo then placed her body in the sky as the constellation Corvus.
What are the deep-sky objects in Corvus Constellation?
Some of the deep-sky objects in Corvus Constellation include the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039), the Corvus Cluster (Abell 3411), and the Caldwell 51 (NGC 4609/46 10) galaxies.
What is the best time of year to see the Corvus Constellation?
Corvus Constellation is visible in the Northern Hemisphere from August to October. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is visible from February to April.
How can I find the Corvus Constellation in the night sky?
The easiest way to find the Corvus Constellation is to look for the bright star Gienah. Once you have found Gienah, look for the other stars of the constellation that form a rectangle shape.
Can the Corvus Constellation Be Viewed Without a Telescope?
Yes, the Corvus constellation can be viewed without a telescope. However, a telescope will help you see the deep-sky objects in the constellation more clearly.
What is the zodiac sign associated with Corvus Constellation?
The zodiac sign associated with Corvus constellation is Virgo.
Corvus Constellation’s Meteor Showers
Corvus constellation is home to two meteor showers: the April Corvisids and the October Corvids. The April Corvisids peak around April 10th and the October Corvids peak around October 5th.
Wrap Up
The Corvus Constellation is a interesting constellation to study.
It has many stars and deep sky objects that make it worthy of exploration.
With a little bit of effort, you should be able to find and identify it in the night sky.
Have you had any luck locating the Corvus Constellation? Let us know in the comments section below.