Constellations For August: Here’s What Is Visible and Bright

No matter whether you’re an amateur astronomer, student, or person with a curious mind, you may be wondering which constellations may be visible and bright come August?

Continue reading to discover more about which constellations are visible in August, how these constellations may appear, their myths, locations and more.

Constellations For August (Summary)

Aquila, Lyra, Pavo, Sagitta, Sagittarius, and Telescopium are the constellations best visible in August. Sagittarius, Telescopium, and Pavo can be seen in the southern sky, while Lyra, Sagitta, and Aquila are visible in the northern sky. The northernmost of these August constellations, Lyra, is the easiest to find since its brightest star, Vega, is the fifth brightest star in the sky and the second brightest star in the northern sky.


The astronomical sign From July through October, the eagle Aquila may be observed in the northern hemisphere between the latitudes of 90 and -75 degrees.

Aquila is a medium-sized constellation that covers 652 square degrees of sky, making it the 22nd biggest in the night sky.

Altair, the brightest star in Aquila, is part of the well-known Summer Triangle, which also includes Deneb in Cygnus and Vega in Lyra.

The eagle who carried Zeus’ thunderbolts and also delivered the mortal Ganymede to the skies to serve as Zeus’ cupbearer is represented by the name Aquila, which means “Eagle” in Latin. However, Aquila represents the goddess Aphrodite in another tale.


From June through October, the constellation Lyra, or the lyre, may be viewed best from the northern hemisphere between latitudes 90 and -40 degrees.

Lyra is a tiny constellation that covers 286 degrees of sky and is the 52nd largest of the 88 constellations in the night sky.

The brightest star in Lyra, Vega, forms a giant triangle with two other stars in Aquila and Cygnus, Altair, and Deneb.

The Summer Triangle is a conspicuous constellation of brilliant stars. The annual Lyrids meteor shower, which happens every year in April, is likewise named for Lyra.

Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer, recognized 48 constellations in the second century, and Lyra is one of them.

Lyra depicts the lyre, a stringed musical instrument that resembles a harp and is linked to the Greek musician Orpheus’ tale.

Hermes created the lyre as a present to his half-brother Apollo, who gave it to Orpheus, the Argonauts’ musician.

Orpheus’ song was so powerful that it could enchant even inanimate objects like trees, streams, and rocks.

His lyre, though, was tossed into a river after he died.

Orpheus and the Lyre were both set in the skies as constellations when Zeus dispatched an eagle to fetch it.


Pavo, the peacock, is a constellation in the southern hemisphere of the sky that may be seen from June through August in latitudes south of 30 degrees.

The peacock is a tiny constellation, encompassing 378 degrees of sky and ranking 44th of the 88 constellations in the night sky in terms of size.

Along with Grus, Phoenix, and Tucana, it is one of the “Southern Birds” constellations.

This southern constellation, one of 12 designed by Dutch astronomer Pavo, is thought to depict the Java green peacock, which Dutch explorers first observed on their way to the East Indies.


The arrow constellation Sagitta may be seen in the northern hemisphere in late summer, between latitudes of 90 degrees and -70 degrees.

It is a tiny constellation, occupying only 80 square degrees of the sky, making it the third smallest in the night sky.

Sagitta, which was found in the second century, translates to “arrow” in Latin.

This constellation is linked to a number of Greek myths.

The most famous story, however, depicted Sagitta as Hercules’ arrow, which was used to slaughter the eagle Zeus sent to consume Prometheus’ liver.


Sagittarius, the Archer, is a constellation found in the sky’s southern hemisphere.

It may be seen in the northern hemisphere during the summer months, such as August, up to 55 degrees north.

Sagittarius is a prominent southern constellation, and its asterism, or grouping of stars, in the shape of a teacup makes it easy to identify.

Sagittarius is a vast constellation in the night sky that covers an area of 867 square degrees, ranking it 15th in size.

Sagittarius is also one of the thirteen constellations of the zodiac.

Sagittarius is one of the 48 constellations initially catalogued in the second century, and it is frequently represented as a centaur drawing back on a bow.

The Babylonians are credited with creating this ancient constellation.

Known as their God of War, Sagittarius stands with his bow aiming towards Scorpius, the scorpion’s heart.

In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is represented as a centaur, a half-horse, half-man creature.

Since there are so many various stories regarding this centaur’s origins, his true identity is unclear.

According to legend, he was dispatched to the heavens to aid the Argonauts on their expedition.


The telescope constellation, Telescopium, is located in the southern hemisphere of the sky and is visible from June through August in latitudes south of 33 degrees.

Telescopium is a minor constellation that covers 252 square degrees of sky, ranking 57th of the 88 constellations in the night sky in terms of size.

It is also flanked to the north by Sagittarius and Corona Australis, west by Ara, south by Pavo, and east by Indus.

Telescopium, on the other hand, isn’t linked to any mythology and was named after the development of one of the most essential pieces of astronomical equipment, the telescope, by Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the constellations best visible in August include Aquila, Lyra, Pavo, Sagitta, Sagittarius, and Telescopium. 

The brightest star in the sky, Vega, is considered the second brightest star in the northern sky, making Lyra the simplest of four August constellations to spot.

Whether you’re an amateur astronomer, a student, or just someone with a curious mind, don’t miss your chance to see constellations you would otherwise miss for the rest of the year this August.

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